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enVision Florida B.E.S.T. MATH Vocabulary ➕➖🔢


Topic 1- Numbers 0 to 5
1) count:
2) one: a single quantity
3) two: one greater than one; one less than three
4) three: one greater than two; one less than two
5) number: 
6) four: one greater than three; one less than five
7) five: one greater than four; one less than six
8) zero: no objects; a cardinal number indicating an empty set
9) order: arrangement according to size, amount or value
10) number line: 
11) first: number one (an ordinal number)
12) second: position after first (an ordinal number)
13) third: the position after second (an ordinal number)
14) fourth: the number after three
15) fifth: the number after four 
16) last: 

Topic 2- Compare Numbers 0 to 5
1) equal:
2) same number as:
3) compare: to describe whether amounts or sizes are the same as, less than, or greater than each other
4) group:
5) greater than:
6) less than:
7) model: 

Topic 3- Numbers 6 to 10
1) six: one greater than five; one less than seven
2) seven: one greater than six; one less than eight
3) eight: one greater than seven; one less than nine

4) nine: one greater than eight; one less than ten
5) ten: one greater than nine; one less than eleven

Topic 4- Compare Numbers 0 to 10

Topic 5- Collect, Sort, and Compare Data
1) category: a group or set into which things with common attributes are sorted
2) chart: 

2) sort: 
3) tally mark: 

Topic 6- Understand Addition
1) put together:
2) in all:
3) addition sentence:
4) add: to join two sets
5) plus sign (+): add to; a symbol that shows addition
6) equal sign (=): 
7) equation:
8) sum: 
9) part: 
10: whole:

Topic 7- Understand Subtraction
1) left: 
2) take apart:
3) minus sign (-): a symbol that shows subtraction
4) subtract: taking apart or comparing sets
5) take away: 
6) difference:
7) subtraction sentence: 

Topic 8- Addition and Subtraction 0 to 10
1) break apart: 
2) number bond:
3) operation:

Topic 9- Count and Represent Numbers 11 to 20
1) eleven: 10 ones and 1 one
2) twelve: 10 ones and 2 ones
3) thirteen: 10 ones and 3 ones
4) fourteen: 10 ones and 4 ones
5) fifteen: 10 ones and 5 ones
sixteen: 10 ones and 6 ones
7) seventeen: 10 ones and 7 ones
 eighteen: 10 ones and 8 ones
nineteen: 10 ones and 9 ones
10) twenty: 20 ones
11) row:

Topic 10- Sums and Differences to 20

Topic 11- Recite Number Names to 100
1) pattern:
2) ones: 
3) tens: set of 10 ones
4) column:
5) hundred chart:
6) decade: 

Topic 12- Identify, Compare, and Compose 2-Dimensional (2-D) Figures
1) sides: the line segments that form a polygon
2) vertex (corner): the point where two sides of a polygon meet
3) next to: positional word
4) above: positional word
5) beside: positional word
6) behind: positional word
7) below: positional word
8) circle: a plane curve equidistant from the center
9) triangle: a two-dimensional, or flat, shape with 3 straight sides and 3 vertices
10) two-dimensional figure:
11) square: a two-dimensional, or flat, shape with 4 straight sides of equal length and 4 square vertices
12) rectangle: a two-dimensional, or flat, shape with 4 straight sides and 4 square vertices
13) in front of:

Topic 13- Identify, Compare, and Compose 3-Dimensional (3-D) Figures
1) roll: to move forward along a surface by turning over and over
2) slide: to move over a surface without lifting or turning
3) stack: to put one object on top of another
4) flat surface: a surface that is not curved
5) three-dimensional figure: solid shapes that have length, width, and height
6) cone: a three-dimensional shape with a round base and a point at the top
7) cube: a three-dimensional shape with six square faces
8) cylinder: a three-dimensional shape with two circular parallel bases and a curved surface
9) sphere: a rounded three-dimensional shape such as a ball

Topic 14- Identify, Compare, and Describe Measurable Attributes
1) length: 
2) longer: having a greater length
3) shorter: having a lesser length or height
4) height:
5) taller: having a greater height
6) volume:
7) weight:
8) weighs:
heavier: having a greater weight
 lighter: having a lesser weight
11) attribute:
12) balance scale:
13) empty:
14) full:






in all


join together








less or more than

take away




more ____ than ____

how much change




in all




multiplied by






for each

per or each


equal groups

for one

Tips and Tricks


Addition and Subtraction


Great websites:

* Please visit Prodigy Game for a wizard world filled with math

* We will also be using Freckle, iReady (math),  and Successmaker for math strategies and learning.

The Addition Table:


The Zero Multiplication Facts

Multiplication is repeated addition so: 
0 x 3 = 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 
0 x 7 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 

Because of the commutative property of multiplication: 
0 x 4 = 4 x 0 = 0 
0 x 9 = 9 x 0 = 0 

Any number times zero is always zero!

The Ones Multiplication Facts

Multiplication is repeated addition so: 
1 x 4 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 
1 x 2 = 1 + 1 = 2 
1 x 5 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 
3 x 1 = 3 
9 x 1 = 9 

Because of the commutative property of multiplication: 

1 x 4 = 4 x 1 = 4 
1 x 8 = 8 x 1 = 8 

Any number times one is always itself! 

The Twos Multiplication Facts 
Multiplication is repeated addition so: 
2 x 4 = 4 + 4 = 8 (or 2 fours) 
2 x 3 = 3 + 3 = 6 (or 2 threes) 
2 x 5 = 5 + 5 = 10 (or 2 fives) 

Because of the commutative property of multiplication: 
4 x 2 = 2 x 4 = 8 
8 x 2 = 2 x 8 = 16 

Any number times two is the number doubled! 

2 x 7 would be 7 + 7 or 14 
6 x 2 would be 6 + 6 or 12

The Fours Multiplication Facts

Double-double the number you are multiplying four by. (Double it twice) 
4 x 3 (Double 3 twice) 
3 doubled is 6, 6 doubled is 12 

4 x 6 (Double 6 twice) 
6 doubled is 12, 12 doubled is 24) 

Another way to figure the answer is double the answer you would get if you multiplied the number by 2.

4 x 3 (Double the 2 x 3 answer) 
The answer to 3 x 2 = 6 
Double the 6 to get 12 

4 x 6 (Double the 2 x 6 answer) 
The answer to 2 x 6 = 12 
Double the 12 to get 24 

The Fives Muliplication Facts

If you can count by fives, method 1 makes the fives simple 

3 x 5 would be 3 fives. Count by five to the third number. 5, 10, 15 (The answer is 15, because the third number, when you count by fives, is 15) 

6 x 5 would be 6 fives. Count by fives to the sixth number. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 (The answer is 30.) 

Because of the commutative property of multiplication: 
5 x 3 = 3 x 5 = 15 
5 x 6 = 6 x 5 = 30

The Nines Muliplication Facts

This is the one less = nine method
Subtract one from the number you are multiplying by. 9 x 5 (One less than 5 is 4) 
The first number in the answer is 4. The two numbers that make up the answer will equal 9. So 4 + __ = 9 (5) 
The last number in the answer is 5. 
9 x 5 = 45 
One less than 5 is 4 (45) 
The answer adds up to nine. 4 + 5 = 9 

Here is another example: 
9 x 8 
One less than 8 is 7. So the first number in the answer is 7. 
7 + 2 equals 9. So the second number in the answer is 2.

Another Nines Method

Hold your hands in front of you with your fingers spread out. 
For 9 X 3 bend your third finger down. (9 X 4 would be the fourth finger etc.) 
You have 2 fingers in front of the bent finger and 7 after the bent finger 
Thus the answer must be 27 
This technique works for the 9 times tables up to 10. 




Here are some rhymes that will help you remember some of the remaining times tables. 
8 x 8 = 64 
He ate and he ate and he sticks in the door, eight times eight is sixty-four. 
Eight times eight fell on the floor, picked it up it's sixty four. 

6 x 6 = 36 
Six times six equals thirty six (It rhymes) 
Chicks, Chicks, dirty chicks - six times six is thirty six. 


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